

Meet the community of passionate champions whose support makes our work possible

As we continue our journey of empowering the next generation of IT leaders and innovators, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your belief in our cause. Your support is the driving force behind our success, and we look forward to achieving even greater milestones together.

Stabic Bank

StandBic Bank Ghana supported our organization with ₵10,000. The donation was made by the StanBic Bank’s Head of Marketing on 18th November, 2023. This was used to support us in purchasing computers for the school.

Sos Charity Foundation

SOS Foundation’s commitment to investing in the education and development of Ghana’s youth exemplifies true philanthropy and community spirit. With their generosity, we are now better equipped to create conducive learning environments where young minds can thrive and excel.

Peaches ByFrema

StarTech Multimedia Ltd.

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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.